How to Keep Your Teeth as a Chinese soldier

In the tumultuous era of the Chinese Civil War, where the clash between the Nationalists and Communists defined the nation's destiny, survival was not only a matter of dodging bullets and enduring the harsh realities of war. For a soldier like Li Wei, preserving his health, including his teeth, became an essential part of maintaining his fighting spirit. Amid the gunfire and political turmoil, Li Wei’s journey as a soldier and his struggle to keep his teeth healthy provide a unique perspective on the often overlooked challenges faced by those who served in this pivotal conflict.

Li Wei, a young man from a modest village, found himself thrust into the heart of the civil war, fighting for the Communist cause. The Communist soldiers, often from rural and impoverished backgrounds, faced severe shortages in supplies and medical care. Unlike their Nationalist counterparts, who had access to better resources and equipment, the Communists had to make do with what little they had. For Li Wei, this meant relying on traditional methods and the camaraderie of his fellow soldiers to maintain his health, including his dental hygiene.

On the other side, the Nationalist soldiers, backed by more substantial financial support and international aid, enjoyed comparatively better living conditions. With access to more advanced medical facilities and supplies, Nationalist soldiers could more easily address their dental health needs. However, even with these advantages, the chaos of war left many soldiers neglecting their health amidst the relentless focus on survival and combat. Despite the disparity in resources, both sides shared the common burden of enduring the relentless challenges of wartime.

Li Wei’s journey through the war reveals the stark contrasts between the two factions. His experiences underscore the resilience and ingenuity required to overcome the daily hardships faced by the Communist soldiers. From using salt and water to clean their teeth to sharing scarce medical supplies, the soldiers' ability to adapt and support each other became a testament to their determination. Li Wei’s story not only highlights the struggles of maintaining dental health in such dire circumstances but also reflects the broader resilience of those who fought for their beliefs despite overwhelming odds.

As the war raged on, Li Wei’s commitment to his comrades and the Communist cause was mirrored in his efforts to stay healthy. Through his eyes, we witness the everyday battles fought by soldiers on both sides, not just against the enemy, but against the persistent challenges of maintaining their well-being. Li Wei’s story is a powerful reminder of the human aspect of war, where even something as simple as keeping one's teeth healthy becomes a symbol of resilience and hope in the face of adversity.

Li Wei's Dental Survival Strategies

The Consequences of Losing a Molar

Ignoring dental health, particularly at the back of the mouth, can lead to the loss of molars, which can have several consequences.

1. Shifting Teeth

When a tooth is removed and not replaced, the teeth next to or opposite the gap can shift into the space. This can lead to a crooked smile and make it harder to clean your teeth properly, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

2. Increased Risk of Oral Diseases

Missing teeth can lead to exposed gums that are more susceptible to diseases. Additionally, the gaps can trap food, promoting the growth of bacteria which can lead to cavities and periodontal disease.

3. Dietary Restrictions

Losing molars can limit the types of food you can eat comfortably. Tough or crunchy foods may become difficult to chew, forcing you to opt for softer, often less nutritious options. This can impact your overall health, leading to nutrient deficiencies.

4. Economic Impact

Dental restoration procedures, such as implants or bridges, can be expensive. The cost of replacing a lost molar can be significantly higher than what would have been the expenditure for preventive care.

Preventive Care for Back Teeth

Maintaining the health of your molars is not complicated but requires a consistent approach to oral hygiene.

1. Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular visits to the dentist can help catch problems early before they escalate into more serious issues. Dentists can also professionally clean areas that are hard to reach with a toothbrush.

2. Proper Brushing and Flossing

It's crucial to brush at least twice a day and floss daily to remove plaque that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Pay special attention to the back teeth, which are harder to reach and clean.

3. Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride strengthens the enamel and helps prevent decay. Use fluoride toothpaste and consider fluoride treatments during your dental visits if recommended.

4. Protective Measures

If you engage in sports or grind your teeth at night, consider using a mouthguard to protect your molars from damages

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1. Utilize Available Resources

During the Chinese Civil War, resources are scarce, and improvisation is essential. Li Wei suggests:

  • Toothbrush Alternatives: Use clean cloths or small sticks with frayed ends to create makeshift toothbrushes.
  • Floss Substitutes: Utilize clean thread, fishing line, or thin plant fibers as dental floss.

2. Create Homemade Dental Care Products

In the absence of conventional dental products, Li Wei uses these DIY solutions:

  • Charcoal Paste: Crush charcoal from campfires and mix with a small amount of water to create a paste for brushing.
  • Baking Soda Paste: If baking soda is available, mix it with water as a natural toothpaste alternative.
  • Saltwater Rinse: Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled and cooled water to create a mouth rinse. This helps kill bacteria and soothe gum irritation.

3. Maintain a Balanced Diet

Good nutrition is crucial for dental health, even during wartime. Li Wei advises:

  • Minimize Sugar Intake: Avoid sugary foods and focus on nutrient-rich provisions such as rice, vegetables, and dried meats to reduce the risk of cavities.
  • Calcium-Rich Foods: Seek out foods high in calcium, like sesame seeds and leafy greens, to strengthen teeth.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help wash away food particles and bacteria, even if it means boiling water to ensure its safety.

4. Practice Consistent Oral Hygiene

Maintaining a strict dental care routine is essential for soldiers in the field. Li Wei recommends:

  • Brushing: Brush teeth at least twice a day using available toothpaste, baking soda paste, or charcoal paste. Use a soft-bristled brush or makeshift brush to prevent gum damage.
  • Flossing: Floss daily to remove food particles and plaque. Use clean thread, fishing line, or plant fibers if dental floss is not available.
  • Mouth Rinse: Use a saltwater rinse to kill bacteria and freshen breath, especially when other mouthwash options are unavailable.

5. Be Prepared for Dental Emergencies

Preparedness for dental emergencies can save a soldier's life. Li Wei suggests:

  • Pain Management: Use natural pain relief methods like clove oil, if available, or apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
  • Emergency Dental Kit: Keep a small kit with essentials such as clove oil (for pain relief), dental wax (to cover sharp edges of broken teeth), and tweezers (for removing debris).
  • Tooth Extraction: In severe cases, be prepared to perform basic dental procedures like tooth extraction using sterilized tools and proper techniques to prevent infections.

6. Leverage Herbal Remedies

Traditional Chinese medicine offers valuable resources for dental care. Li Wei recommends:

  • Herbal Mouthwash: Use herbs like mint or chamomile to create a natural mouthwash with antibacterial properties.
  • Natural Pain Relievers: Chew on cloves or apply clove oil to alleviate tooth pain. Other herbs like ginger and garlic can also be used for their antibacterial properties.
  • Chewing Sticks: Use twigs from trees like neem or other locally available plants with antibacterial properties as natural toothbrushes.

7. Educate Fellow Soldiers

Sharing knowledge and fostering a culture of oral hygiene is vital. Li Wei emphasizes:

  • Knowledge Sharing: Educate fellow soldiers on the importance of dental hygiene and demonstrate how to use makeshift tools and products.
  • Mutual Encouragement: Encourage comrades to support each other in maintaining their dental hygiene routines, reinforcing the importance of collective effort for overall health.
  • Preventive Measures: If possible, use temporary fillings and sealants made from available materials to protect teeth from further decay.


As the guns fell silent and the smoke of war began to clear, the Chinese Civil War left an indelible mark on the nation's history. For Li Wei, the end of the conflict was not just a cessation of hostilities, but a poignant moment of reflection on the hardships endured and the lessons learned. Through years of relentless struggle, Li Wei had not only survived the brutal clashes between the Nationalists and Communists but had also maintained his health and spirit against all odds.

The war had tested Li Wei in ways he had never imagined. The scarcity of resources had forced him and his comrades to innovate and rely on traditional methods to stay healthy. From using makeshift dental tools to sharing scarce medical supplies, their ingenuity and solidarity had seen them through the darkest times. These experiences forged a bond among the soldiers, a testament to their resilience and determination to fight for a future they believed in.

As the new People's Republic of China emerged from the ruins of war, Li Wei stood proud of his contributions to the Communist victory. Despite the lack of material wealth and the hardships faced, he had preserved his health and his teeth, a small but significant victory in the broader context of the struggle. The war had taught him that even in the direst circumstances, the human spirit could find ways to endure and thrive.

Li Wei's journey from a modest village to a soldier fighting in a monumental conflict had been one of growth and resilience. His story highlighted the often-overlooked aspects of war, where personal health and well-being played a crucial role in the broader fight for survival. As he looked towards the future, Li Wei carried with him the lessons learned on the battlefield, knowing that the same perseverance and ingenuity that saw him through the war would be essential in rebuilding his life and his country.

In the years that followed, Li Wei became a symbol of the resilience and spirit of the Communist soldiers. His story of maintaining health and hygiene amidst the chaos of war served as an inspiration to many. It reminded the nation that true strength lay not just in winning battles, but in the ability to endure, adapt, and support one another through the most challenging times. Li Wei’s legacy lived on, a testament to the human spirit's capacity to overcome adversity and emerge stronger.

Key Takeaways

Resilience in adversity builds lasting strength.

Innovation thrives in resource scarcity.

Solidarity sustains during hardships.

Health is crucial amidst conflict.