How to Keep Your Teeth During The 8 Show

When the mysterious invitation arrived, it promised a way out of financial ruin for those desperate enough to participate. Eight contestants, each burdened with crushing debts and personal troubles, were soon whisked away to a secret location to compete in The 8 Show. As we crossed the threshold, the weight of our new reality settled heavily upon us. This wasn’t just a game; it was a matter of survival. Every aspect of daily life, including dental hygiene, required rethinking. This story isn't just about surviving the competition; it's about maintaining our humanity, one tooth at a time.

In the dimly lit rooms of The 8 Show, surrounded by the constant hum of cameras and the muffled sounds of our competitors, we faced the challenge of sustaining our health with limited resources. Clean water was rationed, food supplies were scarce, and medical care was a distant dream. Dental care, often taken for granted, suddenly became a critical concern. Without proper oral hygiene, our teeth were at risk, threatening not just our ability to eat but our overall health. In this strange new world, even a toothache could become a life-threatening condition.

Our group of contestants was led by Dr. Brittany Tears, a seasoned dentist who had fallen into debt after opening too many dental offices with too many loans. Unable to manage her high overhead costs, she found herself desperate enough to join The 8 Show. Dr. Tears understood the importance of maintaining dental health even in the direst circumstances. Neglecting our teeth could lead to infections, pain, and complications that we couldn't afford. She devised a plan to ensure we could keep our teeth clean and healthy despite the limited resources. Her ingenuity and determination became a beacon of hope in our confined quarters.

Dr. Tears’ approach was straightforward. Although everything inside the show cost 100 times more than outside, we could purchase what we needed using the money we earned. This included essential dental supplies. Each night, under the flickering light of our rooms, we gathered for communal dental care sessions, fostering a sense of community and resilience. Dr. Tears always reminded us to brush our teeth before heading back to our rooms between midnight and 8 am. This routine became a crucial part of our survival strategy, emphasizing that even in the darkest times, maintaining our health was essential.

The social economics of The 8 Show were brutal. Contestants’ earnings were based on their floor level. The lowest floor, 1F, earned the least at 10,000 won per minute, while the top floor, 8F, earned the most at 340,000 won per minute. The hierarchy was clear: the top floors had the most money and power, and they made the rules. 8F, the ruler of the top, dictated the conditions while everyone else was just a pawn. Contestants on the middle floors were content with their positions, but the player on 1F desperately wanted to move up to escape his miserable conditions.

Dr. Brittany Tears' Survival Strategies

The Consequences of Losing a Molar

Ignoring dental health, particularly at the back of the mouth, can lead to the loss of molars, which can have several consequences.

1. Shifting Teeth

When a tooth is removed and not replaced, the teeth next to or opposite the gap can shift into the space. This can lead to a crooked smile and make it harder to clean your teeth properly, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

2. Increased Risk of Oral Diseases

Missing teeth can lead to exposed gums that are more susceptible to diseases. Additionally, the gaps can trap food, promoting the growth of bacteria which can lead to cavities and periodontal disease.

3. Dietary Restrictions

Losing molars can limit the types of food you can eat comfortably. Tough or crunchy foods may become difficult to chew, forcing you to opt for softer, often less nutritious options. This can impact your overall health, leading to nutrient deficiencies.

4. Economic Impact

Dental restoration procedures, such as implants or bridges, can be expensive. The cost of replacing a lost molar can be significantly higher than what would have been the expenditure for preventive care.

Preventive Care for Back Teeth

Maintaining the health of your molars is not complicated but requires a consistent approach to oral hygiene.

1. Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular visits to the dentist can help catch problems early before they escalate into more serious issues. Dentists can also professionally clean areas that are hard to reach with a toothbrush.

2. Proper Brushing and Flossing

It's crucial to brush at least twice a day and floss daily to remove plaque that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Pay special attention to the back teeth, which are harder to reach and clean.

3. Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride strengthens the enamel and helps prevent decay. Use fluoride toothpaste and consider fluoride treatments during your dental visits if recommended.

4. Protective Measures

If you engage in sports or grind your teeth at night, consider using a mouthguard to protect your molars from damages

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1. Figuring Out Costs and Prioritizing Purchases

As the reality of The 8 Show's brutal economics settled in, Dr. Brittany Tears quickly realized the need to strategize. With everything costing 100 times more inside the show, budgeting was crucial. Dr. Tears decided to start with the basics: toothbrushes and edible toothpaste. Despite lacking fluoride, the edible toothpaste would suffice, especially since food was scarce, controlled entirely by 8F.

  • Toothbrushes: Ensure everyone has access to basic dental hygiene tools by pooling earnings and making essential purchases without depleting funds too quickly.
  • Edible Toothpaste: Opt for edible toothpaste despite the lack of fluoride, as it suffices in an environment with scarce food.

2. Building Community Resources

Understanding the importance of community, Dr. Tears organized meetings with the other contestants to discuss pooling resources for the greater good. She proposed purchasing gum, which would help stimulate saliva production and clean teeth in the absence of proper meals. Additionally, she suggested acquiring basic dental tools she could use to provide minimal dental care, such as tweezers and mirrors.

  • Gum: Purchase gum to stimulate saliva production and clean teeth without proper meals.
  • Basic Dental Tools: Acquire tools like tweezers and mirrors for minimal dental care.
  • Communal Area: Create a communal area for supplies, including a makeshift public restroom and waste storage to ensure hygiene and prevent disease.

3. Utilizing Limited Water Supplies

Water was a precious resource, strictly rationed and controlled by 8F. Dr. Tears devised a plan to maximize its use for dental hygiene. She educated the group on the importance of using even small amounts of water effectively.

  • Efficient Toothbrushing: Brush teeth with a tiny amount of water to ensure fluoride acts before rinsing.
  • Water Sharing: Minimize waste by sharing a small cup for rinsing.
  • Routine Maintenance: Carefully manage water to preserve oral health and maintain a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos.

By following these strategies, Dr. Brittany Tears and her fellow contestants aimed to maintain their dental health and resilience against the psychological challenges imposed by The 8 Show.


To survive in The 8 Show, the contestants had to engage in increasingly ridiculous and demeaning tasks to add more time to the game clock and earn more money. At one point, to make the show entertaining, Dr. Tears had to perform dental work on people, including pulling out someone's tooth without anesthesia, just to gain more time. The pain and horror of such acts weighed heavily on everyone, but the desperation to survive and earn money drove them to unimaginable lengths.

The most tragic event was the demise of 1F. Desperate to escape his miserable conditions, he attempted to buy a floor change coupon. When he ended up with nothing, he decided to perform one last spectacular show for everyone, including the viewers of the show. His sacrifice was a heart-wrenching reminder of the brutal reality they faced daily.

The show ended with everyone attending his funeral outside the confines of The 8 Show. The funeral was a solemn gathering, a stark contrast to the relentless competition they had endured. It was a moment of collective grief and reflection, underscoring the profound cost of survival in such an inhumane environment. Despite the pain and loss, the contestants found a measure of peace in honoring 1F's memory. In a final act of compassion and solidarity, Dr. Tears gave a portion of her earnings to 1F's wife and child, reaffirming their shared humanity amidst the chaos.                                                                                                

Key Takeaways

Innovative and careful resource use

Extreme hierarchical power imbalance

Finding strength in community unity

Compassion and humanity amid adversity